Our Philosophy

Go Anywhere, Do Anything
Our Mission
World Compass Academy engages and inspires learners in a safe, challenging, and individualized learning environment which cultivates and fosters character, a lifelong love of learning, and the skills to engage in the global community.
World Compass Academy equips students to go anywhere in the world with the foundational skills needed for success.
Strategic Plan
As a school, our purpose is to educate children.  We know we are fulfilling this mission when our students achieve academic success.  We do this through:
1.) Identifying and Communicating Learning Targets
  • Parents will receive an outline of key learning targets for the student's grade level
2.) Creating Goals and Monitoring Progress
  • Teachers (grades K-2) and students (grades 3-8) set goals and track progress in the domains of:
    • Academics
    • Social-Emotional Learning/Executive Functioning Skills
    • Language and Cultural Competency
3.) Supporting Students Through Differentiated Instruction and Ability Grouping
  • As adults, we accept that everyone has both talents and areas of weakness. Yet, we box our children in with grade-level norms. We just accept that every second grader should read the same anthology and learn the same math concepts simply because our system puts them in the second grade. Such narrow thinking stifles kids, keeping them from reaching their full potential, and can provoke behavior problems and boredom when the material is either too easy or too difficult. At World Compass Academy, we believe we must help students develop areas of weakness and provide them access to instruction and support to soar past normal expectations in areas of strength.
    • At World Compass Academy students are grouped by:
      • Ability Level for Math and Language Arts
      • Grade Level Classrooms for Science, History, Specials, and Foreign Language

        Ability Level Grouping:
        Kids are pretested to determine their placement and then are grouped with kids needing to master the same skills.  In math (grades 1-8) and language arts (grades 5-8) students are separated into ability grouped classrooms.  In grade K-4 language arts, students are broken into small groups of students reading on the same or a similar level for small group guided reading instruction, but remain in their homeroom class.  
World Compass Academy doesn’t just talk about school being a safe, supportive environment; we create this vision.

Faculty and Staff
  • A positive school culture starts with our Faculty and Staff. We hire teachers who love their job! We want people who roll out of bed excited to come to work. We want individuals committed to exemplifying a culture of respect, love, and compassion in their interactions with students, parents, and coworkers.
  • Modeling the behavior we want from our students is a key component of creating a strong community.
Second Step
Second Step is a social-emotional learning curriculum, which directly teaches skills that help students academically and in relationships. 
  • Elementary
Students in K-5 learn to make friends, manage their emotions, solve problems, and deal with peer pressure through catchy songs, fun games, and other engaging activities that support the development of social-emotional skills.  Direct instruction takes between 20-40 minutes weekly.
  • Middle School
Lessons are delivered in weekly homeroom class, where there is an emphasis on building connections and a sense of belonging.  Lessons cover topics such as conflict and goal setting.
A Culture of Kindness
We strive to cultivate an attitude of kindness and service.  Our middle school has a kindness committee, who promotes kindness around the school and plans our annual day of kindness.  Each spring, our middle school participates in a spring service day with service projects at the school and around the community.
Community Building Events
Join us for Hispanic Heritage Month, Chinese New Year, and Mardi Gras.  Come see our winter holidays around the world celebration or attend the fall and spring PTO family events.  When we celebrate together, we form relationships and strengthen our community.
Continually grow organizationally and financially through:
  • Transparent Practices
  • Responsible Practices
Encourage and Enable students to become global citizens by:
  • Cultural Competency
  • Second Language Acquisition
  • Sparking Curiosity and Appreciation for Diverse Peoples and Places
Learn more by reviewing our strategic plan.