Parent Resources/SAC » What does the SAC do?

What does the SAC do?

Inform, encourage, and provide opportunities for parent and community members to be involved in the planning and evaluation of the school’s instructional program and quality improvement process.

  • Adopt the UIP (school improvement plan)

  • Recommend priorities for spending school funds  

  • Monitor progress toward academic goals 

  • Safety issues relative to the school environment 

  • Community concerns and input regarding the above mentioned items

  • Gather and provide information to the principal and DAC on needs or concerns of the school 

  • Advise principal in development of priority improvement or turnaround plan 

  • Report to community and board on the educational performance of the school  

  • Perform other duties as assigned by the board


Additional Information 

  • It serves as a committee of the governing board and provides guidance in the areas of academics and safety 

  • The SAC is able to review aggregate school data but not individual student data or data that has a small sample size to determine how the school is progressing toward academic goals


What the SAC does NOT do:

  • Personnel issues, including hiring and evaluation of staff  

  • Individual student discipline issues 

  • Any issues dealing with a specific student, staff member, or parent