Kindergarten-Spanish class- Sra. Johnson Assignments

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colorea las mariposas in Google Classroom

colorea las mariposas

read the color of each mariposa and have fun coloring each mariposa.


Match the words to the pictures in Google Classroom

Match the words to the pictures

Match the words to the pictures by putting the correct number with each picture


La jirafa in Google Classroom

La jirafa

-Follow the numbers and draw "la jirafa" when you are following the numbers remember to count in Spanish.( its a great idea to practice counting the numbers in Spanish).
- color la jirafa use your imagination to color your jirafa
-count in Spanish how many spots (manchitas) la jirafa has in your drawing.
-write the number in a sentence in Spanish .For example if you think la jirafa has 10 spots (manchitas) , please write it.
" la jirafa tiene 10 manchitas" .or if you count 9 spots "la jirafa tiene 9 manchitas"


Thursday March 11 2021 in Google Classroom

Thursday March 11 2021

Today I sent the Spanish Materials. You will find them in your Student Folder. Please have your student start the Thursday assignment for tomorrow.
Please watch the following video with the instructions !


El desayuno  (The breakfast) in Google Classroom

El desayuno (The breakfast)

-Please see the attached google doc with the breakfast vocabulary in Spanish
-Draw, color and name in Spanish your favorite breakfast meal
- Please contact me if you have any questions


"Los dias de la semana" in Google Classroom

"Los dias de la semana"

- find in your Spanish materials bag the page named " Los Dias de la Semana" (see the attach google doc )
-cut and glue the name of The days of the week in Spanish .
-write in Spanish the days of the week that are missing inside the train


Speaking Spanish Assignment in Google Classroom

Speaking Spanish Assignment

Please read the instructions below and have fun speaking Spanish!
-If you feel you want to say something else extra in Spanish please do it!

Have fun Speaking Spanish!!


Dibuja un oso polar (Draw a polar bear)  in Google Classroom

Dibuja un oso polar (Draw a polar bear)

Following the instructions in the video
draw a polar bear ("oso polar")
color your oso polar
name your oso polar with a latino name (choose a name of you preference)
you can write something like:" Mi oso polar se llama Lupita " ( My polar bear name is Lupita) other names can be
Jose, Juan, Maria, Alberto, Juanita, Pablo, Esmeralda,
I can not wait to see your oso polar!!


El Invierno ( the winter) in Google Classroom

El Invierno ( the winter)

Draw a picture of your favorite activity to do during the winter time
and write a sentence in Spanish about what you like about winter.
Some examples of sentences are:
Me gusta el invierno por que juego con la nieve. (I like the winter because I like to play with the snow)
Me gusta el invierno por que puedo construir un muneco de nieve . ( I like the winter because I can build a snowman )
Me gusta el invierno por que puedo tomar chocolate caliente ( I like the winter because I can drink hot cocoa )
Me gusta el invierno por que puedo esquiar ( I like winter because I can go ski )


Christmas Card ( Tarjeta de navidad ) in Google Classroom

Christmas Card ( Tarjeta de navidad )

_ Look in your Spanish materials bag for your Christmas card in Spanish "Feliz Navidad"
-Color your Christmas card , ( use your imagination)
-Write in Spanish holiday message (in Spanish )
-Some examples ," Feliz navidad " 'Feliz navidad y prospero ano nuevo 2021" "


Dibujo Magico in Google Classroom

Dibujo Magico

-Find the page "Dibujo Magico" inside your Spanish materials bag
-Color your the drawing ,following the" color code in Spanish"
-Practice your colors in Spanish
-Please send me your work !


Color the Christmas Sweaters (the big and small sweater) and the Christmas tree in Google Classroom

Color the Christmas Sweaters (the big and small sweater) and the Christmas tree

-Print the 2 pages of the google doc attached in this assignment (If you cannot print the document please make a drawing and color your drawing)
-Use your imagination and have fun coloring your own sueter de navidad !
-Please send me your work.


Dia de accion de gracias in Google Classroom

Dia de accion de gracias

-watch the slide about "Dia de gracias"
-draw a picture and color your picture about how you celebrate" Dia de accion de gracias "
-Write a sentence in Spanish on what are you are thankful for
-some examples of the sentences in Spanish are in the slides of "Dia de gracias".
these are some other examples of sentences: "Yo doy gracias por mis abuelos "," Yo doy gracias por mis padres " if you need more ideas on what to write in Spanish please feel free to contact me


dibuja un pavo (draw a turkey) in Google Classroom

dibuja un pavo (draw a turkey)

Follow the steps in the attached video ("how to draw a cute turkey step by step")
-draw the turkey. Remember it doesn't have to be perfect, just try your best and have fun doing your Spanish assignment!
-add a title for your drawing in Spanish: "EL PAVO". (the turkey)
-color your "Pavo"
-and send me a picture of your drawing. I really like to see your work.


Senora Johnson's November 4 Class Assignment in Google Classroom

Senora Johnson's November 4 Class Assignment

-Follow the Instructions in the Video on "How to Draw a Sugar Skull" (I posted the video in "Google Classroom Materials" this morning)
-Draw your skull, and share with me! I would like to see your drawings!