Spirit Wear Day/Dress Down Day (Free Dress)
Dress Code for Spirit Wear Days: students may wear jeans, shorts, or athletic pants with their spirit wear t-shirts or t-shirts/polos in our school colors (blue and green).
Spirit Wear T-shirts may be purchased June 28, 2021 - July 27, 2021, WCA Student Apparel Order Info
These guidelines govern student dress on designated school Spirit Wear Days and/or Dress Down Days.
Halter-tops, bare midriff, see-through apparel are not to be worn. Dresses and tops must have sleeves and backs.
Dresses, skirts or shorts may be no shorter than fingertip length. Tights, leggings or other types of hosiery must be accompanied by a fingertip length or longer top or dress. All jeans, sweats, pants and slacks must be worn at the waist with no visible undergarments.
Hats, caps, sunglasses, rollers, picks, and any other head coverings are not to be worn in the building during the school day. Exceptions may be made for “hat days.”
Shoes must be worn at all times. Discretion should be used as to the appropriateness and safety of certain types of shoes.
Attire that may damage school property or cause personal injury to others (such as chains or studded items) is not to be worn.
Clothing that is suggestive, has a double meaning or innuendo, or suggests inappropriate ideas is unacceptable.
Any apparel, jewelry, cosmetic, chains, make-up accessory, notebook, or manner of grooming which by virtue of its color arrangement, trademark, or any other attribute denoting membership in a gang or advocating drug use, violence or clothing bearing racially or sexually offensive messages will not be worn inside the school building.