Annie Maurice » Daily Classroom Work

Daily Classroom Work

Science: how does an animal's structure and functions are adaptive to its habitat? 
Kindergarten                                              First Grade 
escargot (snail)                                          Ver (worm) 
coquille (shell)                                            exosquelette (exoskeleton) 
Kindergarten                                               First Grade 
Parts of a fish:                                             Parts of an insect: la tête (head), l'abdomen, le thorax, les pattes (legs) 
les nageoires (fins), les branchies (gills)
la queue (tail), les écailles (scales) 
Second step: How do we identify a problem? How do we find solutions to solve a problem? 
In case of an accident , explain (assume best intention vs. "he/she did it on purpose" ) 
Trimester 2 
January 2024- 
  • Science Unit (Foss: Trees and Weather) 
Students are learning about the weather and its changes/season.
For example, in winter (hiver), we can observe that the temperature can drop quickly due to the wind and see some precipitation (snow). 
The big ideas, during our investigations are: 
- condition of the air outdoors;
-air temperature tells us about the weather (cold, hot), we use a thermometer to provide information about the temperature;
- Sunlight warms Earth's surface;
- wind is moving air (tool to measure speed and direction);
- severe weather conditions in certain area (ex: certain area receives more rain than others, snowfall, flood etc...). 
We will use different ways to observe the world (ex: Journal: What can we observe today that is same/different than yesterday?), describe simply some patterns and natural phenomena (cause-effect).  
During our observations, students will gather information (pictures, word) and compare. 
Language acquisition and the unit on Science
This week, we have learned about the clothing we wear during winter time,
please look into the LanguageNUT set currently posted until Jan. 25, 2024 (after 01/25, you have to click on the button PAST) 
Name: 23/24 Kinderg Les vêtements (clothing)
current Dates: 11-01-2024 - 25-01-2024
Please assist your child when it is time to read the word heard (use the icon speaker). 
December 2023 (Kindergarten) 
The vocabulary for each content is posted under the tab : Homework and Spelling list (it is as a reference)
Thematic Unit: Celebration St-Nicolas, Hannukah, Las Posadas, Kwanzaa, Noel (Christmas) 
Social Studies: use maps to find ways around ( city, world, USA states) 
use the terminology (water bodies, land, keys on a map, cardinal points, continents, countries, states, cities) 
Literacy: we will continue working on letter-sound N,M,F, V 
Math: we will talk about the specific properties of flat shapes, and solid shapes 
IMPORTANT- See LanguageNUT set posted on shapes. 
Nov. 2023 (Kindergarten) 
  • Thematic Unit on - Celebration Around the World 
Diwali (Nov. 13, we have the privilege to welcome a student's mom who will share about this special celebration) 
Thanksgiving (Nov. 23, 2023) show gratitude to WCA staff by writing simple notes 
St-Nicolas (Wed. Dec. 6th, more details to come) French celebration 
  • Math: compare two sets - How many more than _______ / fewer than ________/ same as ______ . 
  • French: Letter-sound R,N, M, (initial sound and syllables) Vocabulary development 
  • Social Emotional unit: express/recognize emotions (body, facial expression, using words), find ways to express emotions (peer boundaries), find ways to calm down (countdown, breathing technique)
First Grade (Trimester 2) 
Janvier 2024 
French language acquisition. : we are working on writing questions (punctuation, use question words in a simple question)
  • I have posted a LANGUAGENUT set about the meaning of question words in French. 
The set is called
23/24 Interrogative words, order the words in a simple question
and the learning set is currently available from Jan. 11 until Jan. 25, 2024. 
After this date, you need to click on the button PAST.
Task: The students have to order the words and create a simple question. 
a) These questions are common to show comprehension of the elements in a story presented. 
Who is the character? Where is the character? 
What the character is doing? Why the character is doing that?  
b) Common questions in class: 
What are you doing? 
What is the weather? (quel)
I really appreciate you can work with your child on those resources. Merci beaucoup! 
We are working on 
  • Thematic Unit on - Celebration Around the World 
Diwali (Nov. 13) Craft and learning more about the tradition 
Thanksgiving (Nov. 23, 2023) show gratitude to WCA staff by writing simple notes 
St-Nicolas (Wed. Dec. 6th, more details to come) French celebration 
Hannukah (Th. Dec 7th) 
Las Posadas (at WCA during the week Dec. 11-15, ) 
Kwanzaa (at WCA during the week Dec. 18) 
Noel (at WCA, during the week Dec. 18- Christmas, Dec. 25) 
Social Studies: 
Use maps to find ways around ( city, world, USA states), landmarks  
Use the terminology: water bodies (océan, lac, rivière) , land,
keys on a map, cardinal points (est, ouest, sud, nord), continents (Amérique du nord, Amérique central, Amérique du sud, Europe, Afrique, Asie, Océanie (for Australia),
countries, states,
we have a capital in a country and a state,
  • Ways to add and subtract fluently up to 20 
  • Numbers to 20 - Count a quantity- count on from 11-20, read/write number words in French 
  • French: Letter-sound R, N, M, F, V  (vocabulary development, poems, short stories, use of frequent verbs)  
Trimester 1 
October 2023 
Thematic unit: 
Science- Motion and Force 
See the vocab. posted under Tab- Spelling list (it is not a homework) 
French: we are learning how to be a great friend (des amis) 
              we are learning about the accent on the letter e (accent aigu and grave) 
1st Grade: 
Thematic Unit: 
Science- Light and Sound 
See the vocab. posted under Tab- Spelling list (it is not a homework) 
French: we are learning how to be a great friend (des amis) 
              we are learning about the accent on the letter e (accent aigu and grave) 
Sept. 2023 
Thematic unit: Building a community
  • Classroom common vocabulary: 
If you want to practice at home using LanguageNUT 
une chaise (a chair), une table (a table), un tapis (a carpet),  la classe (the class) 
manners: merci (thank you), s'il vous plait (please)